Are you Traveling for Hajj?

If you travel for Hajj, it’s highly recommended to consult a travel health pharmacist at least 6 weeks before your departure. Our travel health pharmacist will:

1. Connect with you virtually
2. Administer the required vaccinations
3. Provide the official certificate as proof of vaccination


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Meningitis is an inflammation of the protective membranes that surround the brain and spinal cord. This inflammation can be caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi, or parasites.

Meningitis spreads through respiratory droplets from coughing, sneezing, or close contact with infected people.

Getting vaccinated is the single most effective way to prevent meningitis. There are vaccines available for several types of meningitis-causing bacteria. We offer consultations to discuss the different options and determine which one is most suitable for you.

Yes, the meningococcal meningitis vaccine is mandatory for obtaining a visa to attend Umrah or Hajj in Saudi Arabia. Large gatherings of people from all over the world, like those that occur during Umrah and Hajj, can increase the risk of infectious diseases spreading. Meningococcal meningitis is a serious and contagious bacterial infection. By requiring vaccination, Saudi Arabia aims to protect pilgrims from contracting the disease and prevent outbreaks both while attending Hajj or Umrah and in .

For Hajj or Umrah travel, proof of immunization with either a quadrivalent meningococcal polysaccharide vaccine or a quadrivalent meningococcal conjugate vaccine within either the past 3 or 5 years, respectively, is required. Immunization must be completed at least 10 years before attending Hajj or Umrah. To determine the optimal timing for your specific pilgrimage, schedule a consultation with our travel health pharmacist.

Your travel health consultation will be conducted by a knowledgeable, International Society of Travel Medicine (ISTM)-certified travel health pharmacist. This consultation will cover:

1. Review of your travel itinerary
2. Assessment of your health history
3. Vaccination review and updates
4. Discussion of potential health risks and prevention
5. Prescription medications
6. Additional resources and recommendations

Booking a travel consultation at Voyage Vax is quick and easy! Visit this link and choose a date and time that works best for you.

After your virtual consultation with our travel health pharmacist, they will recommend any necessary vaccinations or prescriptions for your trip. To receive the recommended vaccinations, you can conveniently visit one of our Voyage Vax locations in:


Health Canada Recommendations when traveling for Hajj

Pack a travel health kit and consider travel insurance.

Wash hands frequently with soap and water or use hand sanitizer.

Use new razors and choose barbers with disposable blades.

Practice safe food and water habits to avoid illnesses.

Avoid undercooked meat, unpasteurized dairy products, and close contact with animals.

Stay hydrated, avoid sun exposure, and use sunscreen.

Use insect repellent, wear protective clothing, and use mosquito netting when needed.

Consider wearing a mask to prevent spreading or catching infections.

Practice good cough and sneeze etiquette.

Report illness to accompanying medical staff or local health services.

If sick during travel or upon return to Canada, inform flight attendants/border services and seek medical care.

* we administer vaccines to individuals ages 4+